About the show
Selected homilies, presentations, and talks of Fr. John Riccardo as the Executive Director of ACTS XXIX and from when he was a Pastor at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Parish in Plymouth, MI.
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Episode 412: April 22, 2012-5 PM Mass at OLGC
April 22nd, 2012 | 13 mins 44 secs
Fr. Riccardo discusses the importance of Eucharistic Adoration is this homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John reminds the congregation that the Eucharist is exposed after the weekday 6:30 AM Mass until 8:00 AM, and all day on...
Episode 411: April 15, 2012-Noon Mass at OLGC
April 15th, 2012 | 10 mins 1 sec
In this homily for Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Riccardo focuses on forgiveness. Fr. John tells the congregation that they will come to know God's mercy and His peace by forgiving others.
Episode 410: April 7, 2012-Easter Vigil Homily
April 8th, 2012 | 19 mins 26 secs
Fr. Riccardo addresses the congregation of Our Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Church in this homily from the Easter Vigil Mass.
Episode 409: Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
April 5th, 2012 | 18 mins 7 secs
In this homily for Holy Thursday, Fr. Riccardo discusses the meaning of triduum. Fr. John asks the congregants to pray for the parish priests, and for all priests, that they will conform their lives to the example of Jesus. Father...
Episode 408: March 31, 2012-Palm Sunday Homily
March 31st, 2012 | 5 mins 55 secs
In this homily for Palm Sunday, Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregants to unite their personal suffering with the suffering of Jesus on the cross. Fr. John tells us to expect great things to happen during Holy Week.
Episode 407: March 18, 2012-10 AM Mass at OLGC
March 18th, 2012 | 13 mins 43 secs
While continuing to discuss the cost and rewards of discipleship, Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation, "Are you and I unashamed disciples of Jesus?" Fr. John recommends that the congregants watch or listen to Cardinal Dolan's recent keynote...
Episode 406: March 4, 2012-5 PM Mass at OLGC
March 4th, 2012 | 11 mins 59 secs
While reflecting on the gospel account of the transfiguration of Christ (Mk 9:2-10), Fr. Riccardo discusses the cost and rewards of discipleship.
Episode 405: Parish Mission 2012-Wednesday Night Mass
February 29th, 2012 | 50 mins 43 secs
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Wednesday evening closing Mass. The...
Episode 404: Parish Mission 2012-Tuesday Night Session
February 28th, 2012 | 1 hr 30 mins
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Tuesday night session.
Episode 403: Parish Mission 2012-Monday Night Session
February 27th, 2012 | 1 hr 16 mins
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Monday night session.
Episode 402: Parish Mission 2012-Sunday Night Session
February 27th, 2012 | 1 hr 46 mins
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Sunday night session.
Episode 401: February 26, 2012-5 PM Mass at OLGC
February 26th, 2012 | 15 mins 20 secs
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This is Fr. Fones homily from the 5 PM Mass prior to the start of the mission.