Episode 758
Mass Homily of Fr. John Riccardo
February 25th, 2018
7 mins 46 secs
About this Episode
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish welcomed Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B. on the weekend of February 23-25 as he led the 2018 Parish Mission titled The Mass: Supreme Encounter with God in Jesus. Fr. Driscoll serves as abbot of the Mount Angel Abbey in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Abbot Jeremy has taught theology at the Mount Angel Seminary and the Pontifical University of Sant’ Anselmo in Rome. His publications include What Happens at Mass, a vivid exploration of our ritual words, signs, and actions, that help the reader come to a better understanding of the Mass as an encounter with Jesus Christ. As the parish mission continued on Saturday morning, Fr. Riccardo preached at the morning Mass telling the congregation that only God can conform our hearts to His heart so that we may even love those who have hurt us.
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