We found 3 episodes of Fr. John Riccardo Mic'd Up with the tag “response”.
Episode 778: Christmas 2018-Midnight Mass Homily
December 26th, 2018 | 21 mins 16 secs
christmas, fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, response
Fr. Riccardo considers four questions in this Christmas homily from the Midnight Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John asks the congregants: what are we celebrating, why is everything still so messed up, what impact does what we are celebrating have on our lives tonight, and how should we respond?
Episode 771: July 29, 2018-10 AM Mass at OLGC
July 30th, 2018 | 20 mins 42 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, john 6, our lady of good counsel, response
Fr. John Riccardo offers an orientation to the sixth chapter of the gospel of John in this homily from the 10 AM Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. As the Sunday gospel readings for the next five weeks are from John 6, Fr. John looks at the readings from a perspective of history. How do we respond to Jesus, who is the savior of the universe? The fitting response is to worship Him and to tell others about Him. In an age where so many are wandering aimlessly, it is important to share the message that God cares, and that He is faithful.
Episode 750: November 12, 2017-Noon Mass at OLGC
November 13th, 2017 | 24 mins 57 secs
catholic, fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, response
Fr. John Riccardo looks at our response to all that God has done for us while discussing the judgment day. Fr. John describes the marriage between Christ and the church while telling the congregants that good works alone are insufficient when rendering an account for our lives. What will our response be when we are asked by Jesus, "Do you love me?"