We found 6 episodes of Fr. John Riccardo Mic'd Up with the tag “rerouting deeper dive”.
Episode 716: April 5, 2017-Rerouting Deeper Dive Session 12
April 6th, 2017 | 48 mins 59 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting, rerouting deeper dive
Border Crossing
Fr. John Simoneau looks at what is involved in crossing the border in this Wednesday evening "Rerouting Deeper Dive" session. Fr. John encourages the audience members to move outside their comfort zones to bring others to Christ.
Episode 714: March 29, 2017-Rerouting Deeper Dive Session 11
March 30th, 2017 | 1 hr 3 mins
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting, rerouting deeper dive
Fr. Riccardo discusses the power of witness in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. John looks at the people who had a transformative influence on his life, particularly the saints and martyrs who gave their lives in witness to the faith.
Episode 712: March 22, 2017-Rerouting Deeper Dive Session 10
March 23rd, 2017 | 1 hr 1 min
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting, rerouting deeper dive
One Way
Fr. Pierre Ingram looks at Jesus as the way in this Wednesday evening "Rerouting Deeper Dive" session. Fr. Pierre examines the topic of discipleship from the perspective of someone who wants to give himself or herself completely to Jesus. -
Episode 710: March 15, 2017-Rerouting Deeper Dive Session 9
March 16th, 2017 | 10 mins 6 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting, rerouting deeper dive
The Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session for this week was a period of Eucharistic Adoration. This is a podcast of Fr. Riccardo's opening remarks.
Episode 708: March 8, 2017-Rerouting Deeper Dive Session 8
March 10th, 2017 | 17 mins 37 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting, rerouting deeper dive
Fr. Prentice Tipton reviews our progress along the Rerouting timeline and discusses what it means to be a missionary disciple in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. Prentice guides the participants in a training for sharing the gospel with others.
Episode 704: February 22, 2017-Rerouting Deeper Dive Session 6
February 23rd, 2017 | 1 hr 10 mins
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting, rerouting deeper dive
Fr. Riccardo looks at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. John attempts to expose and reveal the Father's heart by looking at His response to our rebellion.