We found 1 episode of Fr. John Riccardo Mic'd Up with the tag “lent”.
Episode 755: February 11, 2018
February 12th, 2018 | 17 mins 23 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, lent, our lady of good counsel
Fr. Riccardo discusses leprosy in Jesus' time, with particular emphasis on the emotional pain experienced by lepers. Fr. John looks at what Moses prescribed when a leper is healed, and offers three suggestions for Lent: returning to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, attending the Unbound Conference on March 17, 2018, and recitation of the prayer below.Help me Lord, to experience as much as possible, the love that moved you to become man, to save us from the drudgery which is life apart from you. Thank you for loving me by name so much that you willingly shed your blood so that I could go free.