Fr. John Simoneau has been a guest on 3 episodes.
Episode 721: April 16, 2017-10:30 AM Easter Mass at OLGC-Rerouting Homily 14
April 18th, 2017 | 19 mins 28 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting
Love Is the Reason
This is Fr. John Simoneau's homily from the 10:30 AM Easter Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John concludes his homily for the "Rerouting" series by telling the congregants that they have reason to hope. Fr. John points out that the world is in the state that it is in due to continued doubt that Christ is the key to happiness. He encourages us not to be ashamed to be recognized as followers of Christ in our daily interactions with others.
Episode 716: April 5, 2017-Rerouting Deeper Dive Session 12
April 6th, 2017 | 48 mins 59 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting, rerouting deeper dive
Border Crossing
Fr. John Simoneau looks at what is involved in crossing the border in this Wednesday evening "Rerouting Deeper Dive" session. Fr. John encourages the audience members to move outside their comfort zones to bring others to Christ.
Episode 715: April 2, 2017-8 AM Mass at OLGC-Rerouting Homily 12
April 3rd, 2017 | 23 mins 40 secs
fr. john riccardo, homily, our lady of good counsel, rerouting
Border Crossing
Fr. John Simoneau preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the "Rerouting" series. Fr. John looks at what it means to cross the "border" while debunking the voices we may hear along the way. Fr. John uses the words of Pope Benedict XVI to remind the congregants that we have nothing to lose by letting Christ in our lives. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening "Rerouting Deeper Dive" sessions to help pave the way.